
+44 (0)7707 998 839
[email protected]
Leamington Spa, Warwickshire, UK

Delivery information: Royal Leamington Spa and 15-mile radius of the surrounding area

Ordering Details

Please give at least 1-2 weeks notice for your orders to avoid disappointment.


Send your enquiry, listing all your selected product/s and details of your occasion. We will get back to you and send you a quote.


If you are happy with our quote place your order by sending us a confirmation e-mail within the given consideration time.


We will deliver your order on the agreed day and time to your location.


Send your enquiry

More information on Allergens prepared by the Food Standards Agency can view here.

Get in touch

+44 (0)7707 998 839
[email protected]
Leamington Spa, Warwickshire, UK

©2019 KicsiKitchen | Andrea Lantos Design